La Mixerie is born

Nikosono is very pleased to announce he teamed up with other indie artists (from painters to musicians, v-jays, sculptors, web designers) to develop a multimedia art label named « La Mixerie » based in Poitiers, France.

The multimedia label/community project is originally inspired by many musical and radio projects, Nikosono produced in collaboration with sound designer Amadeus Tapioka (a.k.a. Quimbokat) and French painter Anliz (a.k.a. Al, Anne-Lise Marilleau) in July 1997.

At the time, the name « La Mixerie » was supposed « to simply evoke a thousands of little daily items you would find in a small grocery shops but can’t find anymore into bigger supermarkets : the things that look small with no value but very useful when you can’t find them anywhere else » explains Nikosono. The name is then a simple combination of the « mix »/ »remix » and « épicerie » (French for « grocery shop ») words.

La Mixerie has virtually hosted every sound productions by former members of the electronica duet « Woom » : Amadeus Tapioka and Nikosono ever since. The offline/online events of this creative community has already featured the following artists and organisations: Sayag Jazz Machine, Woom, La Baleine, Lobe, Radio Pulsar, Boy Toy Coy, Madrugada, No Records, Abdomens, Troms, Al, 24 Heures du Rock, Ti12, L’indépen-dance, Breeze, La Parole Facile, Nikosono, Jay-Jay Johanson, Rune, Amadeus Tapioka, Un Autre Regard, Trideridoo, Multipistes, Kitchen Musique, La Voix Off!, Autour de Lucie, BMG, Les BPM du Coeur, La Noche Calliente, France Culture.

« La Mixerie » community’s main objective is to increase connections between creative people, in a way they can discover new artistic possibilities triggered by the « remix » of cultural backgrounds, various artistic/philosophic influences and horizontal communications. La Mixerie’s website’s tag reads « musique+life+luz »

Version 1.0 of the official « La Mixerie » website. 1998 will be launched this week on October 18.

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